Sunday, January 27, 2008

Anguilla and Dolphin Discovery

It is with grave concern that I am making this post.I have watched and noticed that the DD has started their construction at Sandy Point.The general atmosphere in Blowing Point is one of being let down.Many resident ,who were against the project being located there,are questoning the real motives of the Gov't. They are concerned of the Gov't total disregard of their objections to the placement of DD at Sandy Point.The residents of Point and others who freely used that potion of the beach will now forever be deprived of that ability to frolic and roam the area as they once did.
The Gov't ,in my opinion, has breached the trust of the local community and has burdened them unnecesarily with this added aquatic circus. Gov't is entrusted with a responsiblity to create and implement projects to improve or enhance the lives and standard of living of its people.Projects that are viewed as undesirable or that are objected to should under go a series of independent studies before being considered.Subsequently,these projects and resultant findings have to be disclosed to the public explaining the pros and cons for going ahead with them.It is appalling that this type of conduct is still going on here in Anguilla and more alarming ,is that Anguillans are permitting it to continue.
This Gov't has essentially stated that they will do as they please whether or not there is voiced objections to the contrary.The longevity of this and any Gov't is dependant on the people's desire to accept them or remove them from office.This Gov't and it's policies has been in exsistence since the 80's with few changes as far as political players.No wonder they beleive that they are entitled to say and act any way they choose.We have inadvertently given them license to commit these atroscities by re-electing them time and time again.Wisdom dictated that change is necessary and that we do not settle for what is commonplace or habitual from our society or Gov't.We surely do not have to be spectators in our own political arena.It is here ,where our active participation is crital and necssary.Here ,on the political stage, we have the ability to effect the change that we so desire and need.It is imperative that we stand 'en masse' and demonstrate our solidarity to the cause and erradicate these imposters of democracy.
It is now the era of the people and the new generation to take control of the reigns and lead us into the future.Our young leaders,who areanxious to go ,need your help to over come and neutralize the viciuos hold these aged political fixtures(attempt at dehumanising ) have on this community.For too long we have blindly followed them because they had a certain name.Well,it's now time to carefully listen to their political message and agendas.Candidates, who are eloquent or charismatic ,are not necssary if they have no meaningful platform to run on .What is at issue are their campaign promises and pledges,their policies and how they propose to implement them.We need to hear how they intend to govern once they are voted into office.If they fail to fully explain these ,then how can we elect them.We will be like the blind leading the blind,and we all know the moral of that story.
If the Gov't decision in regards to the DD is any indication then we are in serious trouble.This blatant disregard and disrespect of it's people's veiws should invoke a rebelloin amongst us.I ,however ,is not advocating a actual physical revolt but a political one where we fight against political oppression and root them out once and for all.Anguilla needs stewards who are conscious of the wants and needs of its people not arrogant ,impulsive, impertinent imbiciles who think the are God's gift to Angillla.


Anonymous said...

what is interesting about the DD project in Blowing Point is that the GOA has announced permission for it to move but has not approved any building permits yet. DD began construction in Sandy Ground months ago and was forced to stop and remove what they had started because of the outrage of the people in Sandy Ground. It is time, as the author states, for the people of BP to stand up and be heard. If building permits have not been issued than what are they building?! Where are the plans for this new structure? We see plans for Temenos, Fairmont, Viceroy, Altamer Marina - why can't we see the plans for this one? Where is the press? Where are the community leaders? Demand answers and maybe we'll get some. Ask nothing and that's what we will get.

Anonymous said...

Who are the people building this facility? Where are they from and do they have work permits? I have not heard any advertising for DD on the radio nor have I seen anything in the newspaper? Can we make citizens arrests in Anguilla? Are these legal workers? Will someone answer any questions?!