Sunday, November 30, 2008

Attitude for Change

Anguilla has undergone a myrad of changes and eveolution durng its short history.Today we are partially reaping the rewards of the labours of our valiant heros and freedom foghters.It is really quite disconcerting to observe the chaos and apparent instability that the Island is experiencing as a result of present day Government mismanagement of the countries affairs.The islanders have long fought for and have won their individuality but it is now threatened by selfish and egotistic leadership.
Once again we are facing the crossroads of change and it is a choice that has to be made with careful thought.Are we to bring about change because the world is in a state of upheaval or becuase it is the right and prudent thing to do?The lack of transparacy, honesty,integrity and productivity has created an air of tensions and distrust in the Anguillian society that is summering below the surface creating tensions that will ultimately climax into an ugly explosive and violent outburst.This is not what any reasonable citizen wants for anguilla nor is it what is good for the isalnds reputation.Anguilla's fragile tourist based economy cannot be expected to survive such a strike,thus it is would be wise to act now so that we can reverse and repair the damage doneby our politicians.Politics on hte island is based mostly on family ties and old loyalties and Anguillians must make a break from this old regimental form if it is to compete in this now world era.The dinorsaricall thinking has placed a choke hold on the island andits future in that there is little room for contemporary thinking because it is viewed with suspision annd distrust by the older generation and less educated population.
Anguilla has a higher ratio of scholars per capita when compared to that of other countries but the educated elite seems to have little interest in politics or is unwilling to make any true committments towards the isalnds future.Instead they appear to be more interested in personal fame and wealth.With this self-centered thinking ,it is no wonder that the isalnd is going through such turmoil.It is time Anguillians take a look in the mirror and take in what they are really seeing,a country on the verge of economic collaspe and social breakdown.It is should be apparent by now that change is necessary and needed to normalize things and restore order and prosperity to the island.How will this change come about is the million daollar question.Change will come by one or two methods,such as by peaceful democratic processes or by violent upheaval,the former being more prefered to the latter.
The political democratic process provide a platform by which orderly change can be effected whereby election determine the winners and loosers.A new breed of political thinker will once again breathe life into our falling system.New candidates means new ideas and new ideas equates to a second chance.A chance to renew projections and plans for the future of Anguilla.This is critical if Anguilla is to stay competitive with the rest of the world.Anguilla needs to encourage its scholars to enter the political arena or public service for the better good of the country.It is readily noticeable it the Government's composition that there is a gross lack of such qualified people as compared to other countries.It is no wonder then ,that Anguilla is at a disadvantage when competing or negotiating with their counterparts.While change is needed it must include those educated in law,economic,political sciences and such fields so that we can have an equal playing field to operate in.
Everyone is clamoring for change but change without the proper safe guards and leaders is just as dangerous and keeping the old regimes in place.Constitutional reform is another form of change that is necessary but is more time consuming and should be carefully contemplated.The establishment of a proper constitution is vital for the effective governance of any country.The constitution creates, the standards and rights of individuals,the blueprint by which the different systems of government operate and the laws of the land.The creation of this document is by no means an easy undertaking but it must be done.Anguillians appear to still be up in arms over this constitutional reform.As a colony/territory of the United Kingdom,most of its laws are governed by statutes of the United Kingdom.It is a daunting task to enact unilateral law that deviate from that of its parent country.This places Anguilla in an unique situation in that the only way out of this debunkle is to seek autonomy by way of political independence.While this might seems attractive it is not feasible at present.The factors that prohibit such a move are numerous.The absence of viable industry, adequate food production ,security forces and international financial association greatly restrict the pursuit of this notion.Leaders should be able to address this and explain the ramifications to the Anguillian public.Before any movement in that direction,an establishment ,creation and operation of such system must be up and running to enable a smooth transition.The is very difficult to accomplish because all these services are controlled by the United Kingdom.We need change but we also need to carefully tread to avoid creating total chaos.
The attitude is ripe for change and we should embrace it but be ready for the challenges that change will bring.Once we understand this then our attitude will be more open to accepting all that go with it.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Independence:Are we ready?

There has been much debate and talk on this isalnd in recent years concerning the viability of independence. The embarkation of such a position for a tiny isalnd as Anguilla presents some unique and highly insermontable challenges.The isalnd's population presents its greatest challenge to attaining independence because its small size,roughly 12,000 to 13,000 people,will create a daunting dilema in terms of generating the needed revenues to sustain the Gov't treasury.There is also the case of the production and circulation of its currency and monetary exchange.What currency will be utilized by the isalnd and at what rate will its exchange be set.The reliance of the isalnds on tourism and the absence of other viable sustained industry.Most critical to any consideration of independence are the issues of a sound constitution ,effective statutes and regulations,establishment of a proper legislature ,justice system and security force,ie defence ,coast guard,police,fire etc. The absence of these vital departments or the preperation for the establishment of such is ample evidence that Anguilla is not even in its infancy in terms of going or preparing for such a move.
The challenges facing any indepndent country are enormous ,however ,most Anguillians appear to think that it only entails being free or seperate from the domination of Britian'srule.If this premise was true and the only impediment to independence then I would wholeheartedly support any referudum on the issue.There are more far reaching ramification that faces Anguilla in its quest for independence that the average citizen is seemingly oblivious to.The transition will require more economic and financial upheaval than most politicains are willing to concede.There is the question of establishing international relationship and associations.Who will we associate with and at what costs.Is it fair to venture into this unchartered territory in such a state of unpreparedness with the expectation that all will be well.This move will be devasating and disasterous for the people and the economy of Anguilla.To state the obvious does not lend credence to or endorse any anit =independence movements but to as sure Anguillians that while the desire to be independent is an admireable goal,the reality of its feasiblity is not a practical possibilty at present.
Supporters of independenc would like you to beleive that Anguilla is ready but to them I pose a few general questions.
How will your currency stack up against the dollar,what will the rate of exchange be.Surely you are not expecting to circulatthe US dollar are you?
What provisions are made for a defence force since Britian will no longer be responsible for providing it.Do you have the funds to allocateto this essential department?Do you have the trained personel to staff it?What about the budget to purchase ,arms,housing,uniforms,food,and salaries.
What will be the extent of cooperation with international players.
These are only but a few ,however the other will be presented at a later time in another segment of this topic.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Anguilla's Economic Future

It is quite amazing to hear the commments and questions posted on Anguilla News as to the future of our islands's economy.We are indeed faced with an astounding set of financial problems that most certainly have to be addressed if we are to sustain our financial viabilityOur economy is based on tourism and that market is greatly affected by the financial or economic health of the world in general.If people are strapped for money because of a failing stack market and businesses profitability than our future outlook is bleak at most.There are ,however,several step theat can be employed to counter the effects of the present financial crisis.They are namely to diversify of economy and offer services in attractive packages to lure investors to the isalnd.There may be nay sayers who will try to convince you that this approach is not worth exploring but I say what have we to loose?An economy such as our will be the first to collapse because of its fragile nature ,and the consequences on our people will be devastating to say the least.It is therefore imperitive to establish measures that will allow our island to flourish in these times.
We must ask ourselves,what do we have to offer that others will be willing to consider us as a place to invest or set up shop.What concessions can we incorporate into an enticing enough package to compell them to come here?A careful study is needed to research this and analize the findings to arrive at the most viable strategic plan.While our work force is somewhat limited ,we will not be inhibited by this fact since the importation of labour is a process that has already been implemented here.
We have our salt ponds,why are we not exploring the possiblity of devlopment.Where there are brackish pond why not a feability study to explore fish rearing.In the manufacturing sector ,why not conduct a study to find companies willing to locate here.
Our Government and its people must come together and work in unison if we are to achieve this goal.Our selfishness and foolish pride has to be placed on the back burner so that economic properity can be realized.In a society as ours we have come to rely heavily on practice and customs and fearing the exploration into the new and unchartered waters. This reluctance to embrace new tecnology has stiffled much of our islands potential for growth and discovery.Many of our youth have ventured abroad to earn degrees and certifications but once they have returned home ,they are relegated to job or positions that fail to utilize thier true potential.Our suspicions of their intentions and ambitions are as much to blame as is our phobia of change.Take for exampleour political system,it is amazing that the same political leaders are still running the country since the 80's even though there is evidence of distrust and allegations of corruption levied against them.Are we a glutton for dishonest schemers or are we just resigned ourselves to be accepting ,with a sont care attitude?The type of attitudes only fortifies thier strangle hold on us and inhibits our ability to rise and soar to our true potential.
It is obvious that we as a people must incite others to action not by violence but by peaceful protest and creativity to reclaim our birthright.The act of protest is a mechanism utilized by the masses to effect change,whether it is directed at policy,Gov't,the Church or businesses.However,the effectiveness is only as good as the focus and determination of the protesters in wanting to make their voices heard.I therefore beseech you to wake up and be creative ,use your abilities to stamp out negative programs and replace them with positive progressive plans,utilize the young talent pool amongst us,tapped into the new technology and make our island strong and stable.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lost Culture

Just the other day I asked someone the question that started me wondering.The question was ,what is our the culture and traditions that has made Anguilla unique?
I was somewhat amazed and dumbfounded by the obvious search for a response to this innocent query.To be truthful, I could only ellict a veiled response like ,oh there is a lot of rich culture that we Anguillians are proud of.With this answer I could see that the preson was wrestling with the frankness of the question and was uneasy in responding to me but I wasnt about to offer them a way out.I pressed on about what was our local foods,dress ,music and other things that are local to us.I must say that they failed miserably in their efforts to explain these things.This appear to be the general response given by locals all over the island .People are proud to be Anguillian but has no sense of what it really means to be Anguillian.It is sad to say that this trend is quite alarming and disturbing If allowed to continue it will eventually lead to a generation where the' Anguillian pride 'will be lost in all the hustle and bustle of progress and economic prosperity.
I am puzzled to as to why our Ministers of Culture are failing to ensure that our culture and customs are preserved.Where every youngster is knowledgeable of what our traditions and culture is.I recently observed some young people whom I know to be born and bred in Anguilla and was overcome with sadness when I heard them speak.I really had to do a double take ,for I thought that I was in another country.Some of their speech had St.Thomian inflections while others had hints of Jamacian accents.It is really ridiculous that our youth are losing their identity to the extent that they are adopting the lingo of other islands.Are we so ashamed of who we are that our youths are abandoning ship?A proud Anguillian would not try to sound like someone from the USA,UK,St.Thomas,Ja or anywhere else.I rather enjoy hearing the musical chants of my people as they speak using local terminology such as awya lard,awya looka wok etc.Dispite the fact that we can and are fluent in speaking the Queen's english ,we should not be ashamed of speaking in our local dialect.It is part of who we are and denotes of heritage and ancestry.We should not allow that to be lost with our efforts to assimilate into the status pro.
Our focus, instead ,should be to maintain and find methods to preserved what really made us stand out from the rest of the Caribbean.We should pride ourselves in the fact that we through our ingenuity made the path for our own success .That the resillience of our people and the sacrifices that they have made was responsible for where we are today.Where is the honor that is given to those warriors who fought the good fight.Why are there no memorials or statues in their memory?Has our pride evaporated as our status improved?Are we so shallow that we neglect to give honor where honor is due?Who are our national heros and heroines?Every country has theirs and are proud to celebrate them but we dont.Why should we be any different?It is time for change ,it is time to reverse this trend and correct thi s insane situation.We have alot to be proud and thankful for and honoring our past freedom fighters is just a start.
We must pressure our Ministers to correct this and force them to honor those who are deserving .Dispite how they feel about or towards the recipents our goal should be to bestow this honor and celebrate what they stood for.Without education about our culture and customs where will we end up?We will be a lost nation with nothing to fall back on to give us inspiration intimes of need.We must ensure that the dishes we grew up with and loved are preserved.
When last can you really say that you were served a plate of food that was truly of national origins.Our restraurants dont even have it on their menus.Even our local restraurant are reluctant to promote them.We should be proud to serve our dishes just as the French,Chineese and the Italians.Our dishes should be made famous because most of our visitors are accustomed to the crap we serve in our hotels and restraurants so why not give them a little of our own soul food?The stew peas,johnny cakes,flitters,corn dumplins etc, are ours and we should showcase them.There are many more things that can be included but I will reserve them for another time.
I sincerely hope that our people take heed any work at reclaiming their customs and culture.The steps and the road will be long and difficult but it is a worhtwhile undertaking.So to the ministers in whose hands much of this is entrusted I pray that you will awaken from your slumber and start the mechanisms necessary for this reform. May God be with you.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

DD Project highlights a serious impending delima

It is quite distressing to learn that the Court had to intervene on behalf of the people of Anguilla to halt the construction process at the site in Blowing Point.One must wonder where are the political activists or palyers in all this?Why are they so quiet on this?Why is it that our opposition is not crying foul and questioning the Gov't handling of this affair.It is time that opposition understand their role and begin to act the part.We are in an era ,where we cannot afford to play politics but actively participate in the process.To stand by and allow this type of behaviour to run rampant within the House or Gov't is unacceptable and should be cause for great concern among all Anguillians.
Our country is changing and with it we must learn to adapt and understand the workings of this new age.It is sheer stupidity to rely on good old hand shakes and oral promises to acheive secure results when dealing with development projects of such magnitudes and that have such critical impact on our society as a whole.The undertaking of any development strategy requires extensive thought and planning ,and debate before the wheels of approval can begin to roll.Anything less is reckless and foolish and will surely bring eventual disaster in the long run.We have to be always prudent stewardsof our island's resources and carefully analyze any and all project for both their acceptability and environmental impact.Afterall we are only a tiny 35 sq mile island and we do not have the luxury or time to avert a catastropy if one was to strike us.Therefore ,it is in our best interest to think things true and not be blinded by our own tunnel vision where we see the vastr financial and economic gain and losse sight of the end results.
Our Gov't has acted irresponsibly but they are not the only ones to blame.We,by our failure to be more involved,has given them license to commit thses acts against us.Most of us knew or had a pretty good idea of what was taking place but chose to remain silent either out of fear of reprisal or because we beleive our opinion didnt matter.This attitude is common on the island and we have to work harder to educate our citizens so that they will be aware that their opinion do matter.In a democratic society ,we have to invoke that right otherwise we will be no better than China,Russia or Cuba.There nothing gained by bickering among ourselves about the alleged corruption that is prevalent in Gov't if we fail to speak out where it is needed.In todays society all dictatorships utiliize this fear and reluctance of the people to rule and impose their will on its people,all in the name of doing whats good for the country.The time has come to awake from yur slumber and question the action of Gov't to ensure that their intention and motives are fair and just.Let the DD incident be the catalyst that awaken your curiosity and fill your mind with skepticism whenever the Gov't prepares to act.Without curiosity or imagination our development with be hampered tremendously and it would be a travesty to see this happen when we have so many brillant intellectuals within our midst.What is the use or purpose of high education if it is not utilized for the advancement of the society that we live in.Perhaps we prefer to enrich the societies of other countries and leave ours to rot in ignorance.We have scholars from many of the elite universities ,colleges and schools who are yet to contribute in any worthwhile fashion.I have read many bloggs and am both amazed and amuzed by the show or display of their arrogance evident in their replies.The y are so full of themselves that they are constantly being snobbish and rude to follow Anguillians.Yes, we all might not have that degree or certificate,or we might never be able to string words together to form complete sentences,or we might not be able to compose a brillant document,however, we do have a say in what happens here.Our parents never had the opportunities afforded us yet we look down of those in our midst less fortunate.Surprisingly enough thses very same people are the ones who encouraged us in our quest for success and were f there to celebrate ,with pride and joy, our eventual accomplishments.N ow to thank them what do we do?We return home and think ourselves better than they are.We enter the public arena and act as irresponsible renagades to their detriment.Thanks a million.
It is not my intention to ellict sympahty but to open the eyes of all Anguillians who fail to see this crooked and deceitful behaviour.I am beseeching all to herald the winds of change and move onwards ,forward ,towards a new age.A new guard is waiting in the wings to united us all and to establish a Gov't that is trustworthy and full of character and integrity.A Gov't where openness and transparency is the norm.This might sound incredible but we can acheive this if we demand it.We have by tradition, never made demands on Gov't or public officials but this is about to change.We need this approach to work to protect of culture and preserve our style of life.Recklessness and irresponsiblity has to be stamped out and we need to purge the system.For starters a new clean slate has to be put in place with the removal of those in power who deceive our people.This procees will ofcourse be democratic and peaceful and lawful.The transition from then on will probally be a little rocky but in time I envisioned a better Anguilla with a smoother and proper running Gov't.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Anguilla and Dolphin Discovery

It is with grave concern that I am making this post.I have watched and noticed that the DD has started their construction at Sandy Point.The general atmosphere in Blowing Point is one of being let down.Many resident ,who were against the project being located there,are questoning the real motives of the Gov't. They are concerned of the Gov't total disregard of their objections to the placement of DD at Sandy Point.The residents of Point and others who freely used that potion of the beach will now forever be deprived of that ability to frolic and roam the area as they once did.
The Gov't ,in my opinion, has breached the trust of the local community and has burdened them unnecesarily with this added aquatic circus. Gov't is entrusted with a responsiblity to create and implement projects to improve or enhance the lives and standard of living of its people.Projects that are viewed as undesirable or that are objected to should under go a series of independent studies before being considered.Subsequently,these projects and resultant findings have to be disclosed to the public explaining the pros and cons for going ahead with them.It is appalling that this type of conduct is still going on here in Anguilla and more alarming ,is that Anguillans are permitting it to continue.
This Gov't has essentially stated that they will do as they please whether or not there is voiced objections to the contrary.The longevity of this and any Gov't is dependant on the people's desire to accept them or remove them from office.This Gov't and it's policies has been in exsistence since the 80's with few changes as far as political players.No wonder they beleive that they are entitled to say and act any way they choose.We have inadvertently given them license to commit these atroscities by re-electing them time and time again.Wisdom dictated that change is necessary and that we do not settle for what is commonplace or habitual from our society or Gov't.We surely do not have to be spectators in our own political arena.It is here ,where our active participation is crital and necssary.Here ,on the political stage, we have the ability to effect the change that we so desire and need.It is imperative that we stand 'en masse' and demonstrate our solidarity to the cause and erradicate these imposters of democracy.
It is now the era of the people and the new generation to take control of the reigns and lead us into the future.Our young leaders,who areanxious to go ,need your help to over come and neutralize the viciuos hold these aged political fixtures(attempt at dehumanising ) have on this community.For too long we have blindly followed them because they had a certain name.Well,it's now time to carefully listen to their political message and agendas.Candidates, who are eloquent or charismatic ,are not necssary if they have no meaningful platform to run on .What is at issue are their campaign promises and pledges,their policies and how they propose to implement them.We need to hear how they intend to govern once they are voted into office.If they fail to fully explain these ,then how can we elect them.We will be like the blind leading the blind,and we all know the moral of that story.
If the Gov't decision in regards to the DD is any indication then we are in serious trouble.This blatant disregard and disrespect of it's people's veiws should invoke a rebelloin amongst us.I ,however ,is not advocating a actual physical revolt but a political one where we fight against political oppression and root them out once and for all.Anguilla needs stewards who are conscious of the wants and needs of its people not arrogant ,impulsive, impertinent imbiciles who think the are God's gift to Angillla.

Anguilla and Dolphin

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Policing in Anguilla

After numerous discussions with various members of our communities ,it has become painfully apparent thatthere are several Policing problems facing the RAPF.Most of the negativity,however, stems from a lack of trust they have in the RAPF.Consequently ,they believe that it would be detrimental to their safety to actively assist Police with ongoing investigations.It is however,a dangerous gamble to adapt that attitude since to withdraw or withhold information usually causes more harm than good.The resultant backlash or out come could be disastrous for everyone as a whole,where criminals freely roam our streets and go unpunished for crimes they commit.Anguilla will become somewhat of a lawless state where things will only get worse.Police operates within the guidelines of the laws and constitution of our country.They are empowered to enforce those statues,however,it is also the duty of the populace to assist and render aid wherever necessary.Failure to act in that capacity ,creates a dominoe effect within our society.It places an extra burden on the resources of the entire legal system and the Police .In turn, there develops an atmosphere of antagonism between both parties.The Police ,who relies on the public to assist during their various investigations are deprived of valuable information critcal to solving their cases because of lower public involvement.Consequently ,a great deal of tension develops between them and the public ,who they swore to protect and serve.This tension gives way to resentment and eventually sub-standard work form the Police who feel let down and disrespected by the public.The public ,as a result, reacts with accusations of inefficiency and allegations of corruption by the Police for their failure to adequately protect them and solve crimes within our community.This breakdown allows the criminal element among us to grow and operate with impunity.They take advantage to this rift to expand their criminal enterprises ,even empolying their our tactics to furhter solidify their place in our communities.
We even
is at an dismal level ,thus it forces Gov't to recruit form outside.Most of our problems appear to have a direct link with these practices.Angillians,as a habit, are always skeptical of the motives of people they don't know and this breeds distrust.Our thinking that we are belongers and they are not invites disaster especially whenthey are acting in their official capacities.
The RAPF need to develop a comprehensive plan to inform the Public of their activities and to encourage a better working relationship with the community.There programs such as commminity watches ,that allows communities the ability to meet with the police via regular meetings.It is here that the community are informed of some of the practices and procedures employed by Police.A new appreciation and working relationship between both groups will eventually result in a more effective and efficient Police Department.
Law enforcement world wide rely heavily on public participation in solving crimes.Rember the terrorists would not have been caught if the public had chosen not to do thier part.We have to sometimes weigh what's at stake and do the right thing no matter how unpopular.Patriotism reflect the pride for ones country and if we have that we will act responsibly whenever we are required to irrespective of how we feel.
It behooves us to uphold our duty to assist the Police as this will only improve their efficiency and productivity.We can erradicate the corrupt within our midst but it will take time and diligence and committment.
Let us first work at improving our association with the police so that we can get a handle on this crime wave.We can still work in the back ground to ensure the corrupt in the RAPF are terminated and prosecuted where necassary.


In this day and age ,why is it that Anguilla has not developed the necessry infrastructure that affords our people accessibility to proper roads,water ,garbage and sewage disposal,and demarkation of proper street signage and street addresses?It is disturbing that we have funds allocated in excess of millions but this deficiency still exsists.What is the role Gov't is playing in addressing this?I have spoken to numerous officilas but the answer is still elusive.Our expenditure in this area is dismal at best.In a tourism based economy o have the proper utilities in place not only for the tourists but for ourselves as well.It is embrassing when someone asks for directions only to say "go to the Valley turn left and look for the old power house the building is next to it.We Gov't to address this and bring us up to par with the rest of the region.