Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Anguilla's Economic Future

It is quite amazing to hear the commments and questions posted on Anguilla News as to the future of our islands's economy.We are indeed faced with an astounding set of financial problems that most certainly have to be addressed if we are to sustain our financial viabilityOur economy is based on tourism and that market is greatly affected by the financial or economic health of the world in general.If people are strapped for money because of a failing stack market and businesses profitability than our future outlook is bleak at most.There are ,however,several step theat can be employed to counter the effects of the present financial crisis.They are namely to diversify of economy and offer services in attractive packages to lure investors to the isalnd.There may be nay sayers who will try to convince you that this approach is not worth exploring but I say what have we to loose?An economy such as our will be the first to collapse because of its fragile nature ,and the consequences on our people will be devastating to say the least.It is therefore imperitive to establish measures that will allow our island to flourish in these times.
We must ask ourselves,what do we have to offer that others will be willing to consider us as a place to invest or set up shop.What concessions can we incorporate into an enticing enough package to compell them to come here?A careful study is needed to research this and analize the findings to arrive at the most viable strategic plan.While our work force is somewhat limited ,we will not be inhibited by this fact since the importation of labour is a process that has already been implemented here.
We have our salt ponds,why are we not exploring the possiblity of devlopment.Where there are brackish pond why not a feability study to explore fish rearing.In the manufacturing sector ,why not conduct a study to find companies willing to locate here.
Our Government and its people must come together and work in unison if we are to achieve this goal.Our selfishness and foolish pride has to be placed on the back burner so that economic properity can be realized.In a society as ours we have come to rely heavily on practice and customs and fearing the exploration into the new and unchartered waters. This reluctance to embrace new tecnology has stiffled much of our islands potential for growth and discovery.Many of our youth have ventured abroad to earn degrees and certifications but once they have returned home ,they are relegated to job or positions that fail to utilize thier true potential.Our suspicions of their intentions and ambitions are as much to blame as is our phobia of change.Take for exampleour political system,it is amazing that the same political leaders are still running the country since the 80's even though there is evidence of distrust and allegations of corruption levied against them.Are we a glutton for dishonest schemers or are we just resigned ourselves to be accepting ,with a sont care attitude?The type of attitudes only fortifies thier strangle hold on us and inhibits our ability to rise and soar to our true potential.
It is obvious that we as a people must incite others to action not by violence but by peaceful protest and creativity to reclaim our birthright.The act of protest is a mechanism utilized by the masses to effect change,whether it is directed at policy,Gov't,the Church or businesses.However,the effectiveness is only as good as the focus and determination of the protesters in wanting to make their voices heard.I therefore beseech you to wake up and be creative ,use your abilities to stamp out negative programs and replace them with positive progressive plans,utilize the young talent pool amongst us,tapped into the new technology and make our island strong and stable.

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